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The Experts at CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company Excel at Hoarding Cleanup

If you’re in need of professional hoarding cleanup services in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri and neighboring states, turn to the experts at CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company. We treat hoarding as a serious issue and offer the professional cleanup services you need. Our team knows how important it is to work with a hoarder to clean up the living situation they’ve created. Our hoarding cleanup company is trained to handle sensitive situations by being compassionate towards those involved. Often times there are unknowns in a hoarding cleanup, and we carry the proper insurance for any surprise developments. Our team specializes in working with hoarders as well as massive cleanup situations. We can safely and securely remove items from your home and make the space livable again. If you’re a hoarder, you don’t need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. The fact you’re seeking help is the first step, and you aren’t alone. It’s estimated that two to five percent of the population has some degree of hoarding issues, including millions of Americans. Contact our team today so we can get started cleaning up your home and providing help with the hoarding cleanup you need.


Specialized Cleanup Services in Texas & Colorado

CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company has a professional hoarder cleanup team ready to clean up your home in Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, or Denver. Our team is committed to protecting your privacy and transforming your living space into a respectful home, and one you can be proud to show your friends and family. Here’s a glimpse of how our hoarder cleanup process works:

  • We’ll work with you through the process, and no judgments will be made about your situation.
  • Our compassionate and caring team will help you understand what’s being done along the way.
  • We respect your privacy by not telling others any specifics or details about your home.
  • Sorting and organizational services can be provided for your items.
  • Trucks and dumpsters are available for the hauling of your unwanted items.

The Dangers of Hoarding

A hoarding disorder or compulsive hoarding is a mental condition causing people to become scared or anxious when faced with getting rid of their personal belongings. This holds true whether or not those items are valuable. In addition, hoarders are often embarrassed about seeking assistance. For this reason, it’s important for friends or family members to intervene in a compassionate way. There are plenty of dangers associated with hoarding. The main issue is, hoarding creates a fire hazard. Fires are more likely to occur in hoarder’s homes, and the number of items can act as fuel for the flames. There are also fewer avenues of escape when emergencies occur because many exits are blocked. Another hazard associated with hoarding is the creation of tripping hazards, as many people die after becoming trapped under fallen belongings. Hoarding also creates other health issues because bacteria, mold, and allergens can gather beneath and between hoarded items.

Complete Hoarding Cleaning Services in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri and Neighboring States

CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company provides complete hoarding cleaning services in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, and Denver. We take a comprehensive approach, addressing all the dangers associated with hoarding. Our technicians are highly trained to understand the complexities of hoarding tendencies. The following can be expected when you choose us to clean up your home:

  • Trust – We know individuals who need help cleaning out their hoarder homes are sensitive and have trouble parting with their belongings. We keep your situation private and provide discretion. We can also connect you with therapists or social services to help you or your loved one cope with the struggles of hoarding.
  • Cleaning Plans – Every hoarder’s home is unique, and we create a multi-faceted approach to best handle the situation. Our team will work with you and develop a thorough sanitization and restoration plan. We will then assist with throwing away, recycling, donating, or organizing your items. All affected areas will be cleaned and restored.
  • Follow-Up – Once we clean up your hoarded home, you won’t be on your own. We’ll create a cleaning plan for you to follow after we’re finished. We can check in periodically or connect you with other professionals who can assist you, including house cleaners and organization experts.

Contact Our Hoarding Cleanup Team Today

Whether you struggle with hoarding or you have a loved one who does, contact the experienced and compassionate team at CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company. We’ve cleaned up many hoarder homes in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri and neighboring states, and we want to do the same for you. A cleaned out home feels like a tremendous weight lifted off your shoulders and can give you a new lease on life. We’d be happy to provide you with a free estimate for our hoarding cleanup services. Contact us today to learn more or schedule service.

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