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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Cleaning, Decontamination, and Sanitizing in Texas and Colorado

The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially named the disease caused by the 2019 novel Coronavirus: COVID-19. The virus previously known as 2019-nCoV has been named SARS Co-V-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new virus identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mitigation

The U.S. Center for Disease Control highly recommends you professionally disinfect your business, home, or facility if you suspect potential contamination. The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus should remind all of us of the importance of keeping our facilities, plant, and equipment clean and disinfected for employees and customers.

Take proactive measures by performing periodic cleanings to help mitigate and reduce the potential impact of an outbreak from a virus-like Coronavirus, Ebola, flu, or other serious contagions, such as blood-borne pathogens, and even toxic chemicals. Routine facility cleanings will help keep your customers and employees healthy and reduce employee absenteeism.

Our biohazard cleanup and decontamination services include but are not limited to:

  • Ebola, Coronavirus and other infectious diseases
  • Environmental Spill
  • Contamination Spill
  • Hazardous Clean Up
  • Tank Removal/Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
  • Bloodborne Pathogen / Communicable Disease Cleanup and Containment
  • Accidental Death
  • Homicide Crime Scene
  • Suicide, Decomposition
  • Accident or Injury
  • Building, facility and office decontamination
Professional in a blue suit and gas mask testing biohazard spill in a stream for industrial waste contamination

Field Services

Here at CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company, we are specialists when it comes to field services. We even have a sturdy solvent tank that uses parts washer solvent that gets rid of stubborn spills.

Our main field services include:

With our truck services, we can do a number of surfacing cleaning services in order to quickly get things back up and running again.

CG Environmental Personal Protective Equiptment

CG Environmental Keeping You Safe

CG Environmental, AKA, “CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company” were there when Ebola hit Dallas/Fort Worth. CG Environmental, an EnviroServe Company responded immediately to decontaminate the infected facilities, plants, and equipment. Our staff is fully trained to clean, contain, and dispose of virtually any chemical or biological toxins or viruses that threaten your customers and employees. CG Environmental offers 24/7 decontamination and infectious disease cleaning services and will even clean overnight while your facility is vacant. Call us today for a free estimate.

Get Your Free Estimate Today!

24-Hour Response